Solicit content

From Vanagon Wiki
Revision as of 20:07, 9 May 2010 by Elpedro (talk | contribs)
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Suggested text for soliciting content for the wiki

Hi, I'm writing to ask you if I can post this information on the VanagonWiki. is a community-created volunteer project to create, record and organize the best Vanagon-related information available to benefit the community of owners and lovers of these fine Volkswagen vehicles. You can learn more about our site at [1]. Of course we would properly attribute this information to you and post a Universal Resource Locator (URL) pointing to the original source location. All information posted to the VanagonWiki is licensed for re-use and remixing under Creative Commons Attribution Non-Commercial Share-Alike license to ensure this information isn't commercialized by anybody but you. You can learn more about this license here: [2].

May I have your permission to use this material? If you like, you may contribute this material yourself directly to VanagonWiki, as can anybody who wishes to participate, just ask me how.