Refrigerator Relay Wiring

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 Refrigerator Relay Wiring

Or, where's that red wire come from, anyway?

This is from Mr Squirrel's 1984 Westfalia.

The Red "To Battery" wire for Pin 87 on the Westy Refrigerator 12-Volt Heater Relay (located in the box under the driver's seat) and shown on Bentley p. 97.32b goes to Fuse #7 under the dash.

The fuse box wiring diagram on p 97.58 does not show this detail.

The diagram shows two wires coming off the load side of Fuse #7: a red wire and a red/black wire, both of which are shown as going to the rad fan circuitry.

That's not what I see in my fuse box.

Here, there are two red wires, one of which powers the aforementioned reefer relay, the second goes to parts unknown. I assume it's still for the rad fan, maybe they do the red > red/black fork farther downstream.

--Rocky Squirrel 23:04, 23 June 2010 (UTC)