Main Page

From Vanagon Wiki
Revision as of 07:54, 13 December 2010 by Sbw (talk | contribs)
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The Vanagon Wiki is a resource for Vanagon owners, created by Vanagon owners. Please contribute!

The volunteers who maintain this wiki are available on the Vanagon Wiki discussion list.


The Vanagon Wiki was created on August 7, 2007. It is intended to be a central repository for all information Vanagon-related (however loosely). Like the list archives, the wiki will preserve and convey the distilled wisdom of those who love, maintain, repair, and modify these unique vehicles. But unlike the archives, these pages will not only be quicker to access, they are "live," meaning that any registered user can edit a topic for accuracy or clarity or add new information as it comes along; and any registered user can create new topic pages. If you consider yourself to be an expert in a particular area then register and create a new page so others can benefit from your experience.

The Vanagon Wiki data was lost due to a series of unfortunate events (how Vanagon-like), and, as of May 2010, is being actively rebuilt by a special segment of the Vanagon Rescue Squad.

Getting started

Consult the User's Guide for information on using the wiki software.